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Mural for UEFA 2024, Stuttgart - Jacqueline De Montaigne

ACTIVE magazine - Mulheres inspiradoras nas artes 2023 prémios

J De Montaigne and her global murals. Interview or Redbull Romania.

Zidart street art festival - Utopia - documentary - Romania

Caixa de Pandora, arte no feminino - TV interview.

Helping to create a better world - interview - Tomorrow Algarve magazine.

Colouring the Algarve - interview - East Algarve magazine

New mural worth it's weight in gold - interview - The Portugal news

Un artiste de rue révèle une nouvelle fresque époustouflante à São Brás de Alportel - Article - Vivre L'Portugal

Street artist revitalising São Brás de Alportel- article, MAGZOID

Stree artist reveals new stunning mural in São Brás de Alportel - Article - Portugal resident

New mural - talk of the town.
Article News & Star
Article News & Star

New street art unveiled, News & Star, Border news Carlisle

Grace of Parnasus - Blank Wall Assasins.

Podcast interview with Dylan Holt for the simple life.

J de Montaigne, pintora e muralista. Interview for MoAC BISS 2023, Podcast - RDP Africa

Bienale de arte e cultura. Guinea-Bissau.
RFI - France
RFI - France

Women in ESG and gender equality, Article - Expresso

Em Lisboa, as mulheres sobem aos andaimes, pintam a cidade e desfazem preconceitos - article - Mensagem Lisboa

Lisboa tem um dos murais mais bonitos do mundo - article, idealista

Artista Portuguese no ranking dos melhores no mundo em arte urbana - Creative News, article

Street Art de Mulheres, com M maiúsculo - Lisboa secreta. Article

Mural novo, homenagem ão compositor São-Brassense- Article - Sul Alentejo

J de Montaigne ethereal urban art - interview
The Portugal News
The Portugal News

Jacqueline de Montaigne, pictorița care ”înflorește” portretele - interview, Revista Atelierul, Romania
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